Create Your Own Legacy

The following outlines the requirements to establish a new CACF scholarship, as well as the duties and responsibilities of the donor and the Collinsville Area Community Foundation.

Funding Requirements

  • $5,000 minimum initial funding requirement
  • Donors may engage in fundraising to perpetuate the scholarship into the future.
  • If the scholarship balance drops below $1,000, the scholarship will terminate, and the remaining balance will be folded into the CACF General Fund.

Donor Responsibilities

  • Formal name of the scholarship
  • Written narrative explaining the origin of the scholarship, scope of the scholarship (dollar amount and length of time), as well as general guidelines for potential recipients.
  • Customize the scholarship application template (provided by CACF).
  • Determine the application deadline for the scholarship (most are April 1st)
  • Determine scope of involvement: The donor can choose the level of involvement or delegate these responsibilities to the CHS Counseling Department. Receive & review scholarship applications.
  • Selection of scholarship recipient(s)
  • Notify scholarship recipients they have been selected.

CACF Responsibilities

  • Invest scholarship funds into the CACF investment & bank accounts.
  • Accounting of the scholarship income and expenses as it relates to the overall CACF balances.
  • Provide a thank you email and donation receipt when donations are collected via the website.
  • Update the CACF website with the scholarship information (narrative and details).
  • Provide a link on the website to the scholarship application.
  • Issuance of scholarship check(s) directly to the school.
  • Social media posts regarding the scholarship

Administrative Fees

  • CACF will impose a 1% quarterly fee to be allocated to the General Fund for costs associated with the foundation, including accounting, legal, software, etc.

Donate Today

100% Tax Deductable

 Collinsville Area Community Foundation is a public charitable organization as defined by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions and gifts are tax deductible. Donations and bequests are accepted from and disbursed to individuals, groups or businesses.